Real Estate Problems Solved
Magill and Rumsey P.C. has taken many cases to the Michigan Tax Tribunal to get tax relief for homeowners and non-profit organizations. All have been successful. Only one hearing was ever held and at that one the assessor who testified could not offer any evidence to offset the precise and overwhelming evidence presented by the taxpayer.
In addition to helping our clients buy and sell real estate, Magill and Rumsey has had to help them with zoning challenges – big and small. Bob Magill took a zoning law case all the way to the Michigan Supreme Court, establishing new constitutional law for families and households in Michigan. In another case, an intense young zoning inspector challenged the placement and size and roof of a garden shed that had been in place for over 9 years! Bob took the matter to the township Board and worked out a compromise that placated everyone. The shed is still on the property and did not have to be torn down.